(this page will always have password protection)
Hello neighbor!
You are viewing a page restricted to
Wood Duck Island owners.
All information on this page is related to
news and discussions relevant to ownership.
Please do not provide your password to any tenant.
Discussion Forum
Please read these brief guidelines
- Be neighborly! This page is visible to every owner 🙂
- Discussions are organized by TOPIC (ex: General, Landscape, Budget, Social Meetings, etc). Look for the relevant topic, then post your specific commincation within that topic as an item.
- The Forum is for internal communication. Any item intended for the attention of property management company should be directed to them via external methods and not placed in this Forum.
- your profile settings enable you to choose to be notified via email to new topics, responses, etc.
- each owner has a unique password, please do not share your password access with tenants
[Ed: if we wish to include forum discussions… which would be the most apprpriate way to raise awareness–and enable communication–about key issues concerning all (budget, landscape, etc). Private forum software could be the best method for an individual to communicate to everyone at once (otherwise everything is private one-to-one communication at the fountain–and many people (myself, for example) might miss out on important topics :)]
(Example of Forum appearance below)